October 11, 2018
Our very own professors Dr. Marta Hanson (left) and Dr. Gianna Pomata (right) of the History of Medicine department at Johns Hopkins University will present on Thrusday, October 11th at 3pm as part of the 2018 Fall Colloquia Series sponsored by the Program for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology. Their paper is entitled “Travels of a Chinese Pulse Treatise: the Latin and French Translations of the Tuzhu maijue bianzhen 圖註脈訣辨真 (1650s-1730s)” and their talk will take place in the Welch Library Building Room 303.
Title: Travels of a Chinese Pulse Treatise: the Latin and French Translations of the Tuzhu maijue bianzhen 圖註脈訣辨真 (1650s-1730s)
Who: Professors Marta Hanson & Gianna Pomata
When: Thursday, October 11, 2018
Where: 3rd Floor Seminar Room (Room 303), Welch Library Building: 1900 E. Monument St, 21205
For information on our 2018 Fall Colloquia Series, please see our poster here. If you would like to join our mailing list to recieve colloquia papers and learn about our events, please our Program Coordinator at email myrobbins@jhmi.edu.