Conference: Achieving Health Equity in a World of Data

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10:00-10:15am Welcome
Kadija Ferryman, PhD, JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health
Kim Gallon, PhD, Brown University
Jeremy Greene, MD, PhD, JHU School of Medicine
Debra Mathews, PhD, JHU Berman Institute of Bioethics
PANEL 1: Health Justice & Digital Health Equity (Roundtable)
Chair: Deidra Crews, MD, ScM, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS, University of Michigan School of Information
Terika McCall, PhD, MPH, MBA, Yale University School of Public Health
Charles Senteio, PhD, MBA, MSW (LCSW), Rutgers University School of Communication and Information
Karen Wang, MD, MHS, Yale University School of Medicine
Amelia Gibson, PhD, MSLIS, University of Maryland at College Park
PANEL 2: Data, Health, and the Mobilization of Surveillance
Chair: Debra Mathews, PhD, JHU Berman Institute of Bioethics
Datafication and the Suicide Hotline
Hannah Zeavin, PhD, Indiana University
“Bad” Mothers, “Bad” Health? The Complex Interplay Between Health Equity and Pregnancy and Parenting Mobile Applications
Elise Racine, MPA, MSc, PhD Candidate, University of Oxford
A Digital Phenotype of the Self? Ethical and Social Issues Surrounding the Passive Datafication of Mental Illness
Livia Garofalo, PhD, MPH, Data & Society Research Institute
Ireti Akinrinade, Data & Society Research Institute
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
PLENARY SESSION: Race, Racism, and Data Practices in Public Health
Kim Gallon, PhD, Brown University, moderator
Lundy Braun, PhD, Brown University
Melissa Creary, PhD, University of Michigan
2:30-3:00 COFFEE
PANEL 3: History and Theory of Community Data
Chair: Stuart Ray, MD, Johns Hopkins Medicine
“A Program of Community Medicine Appropriate to the Needs of Their Own Country:” Economic Development, Data, and Community Medicine in King-Drew Medical Center’s Master Plan
Nic John Ramos, PhD, Drexel University
The Political Economy of Digital Health Equity
James Shaw, PhD, University of Toronto
Wiljeana Glover, PhD, Babson College
A Vision of Community Data for Health Equity in the Digital Age
Chris Gibbons, MD, MPH, The Greystone Group
PANEL 4: Visualizing Health Data for Epistemic Justice (Workshop)
Tricia Aung, PhD Candidate, University of Washington
PLENARY SESSION 2: Community Data at Scale (local, national)
Kim Gallon, PhD, Brown University
Lauren Rubin, Director of Development, Saint Francis Neighborhood Center, Baltimore
Heidi Nicholls, PhD, JHU Black Beyond Data Postdoctoral Fellow
PANEL 5: Theory and Method of Digital Health Equity Studies
Chair: Debra Mathews, PhD, JHU Berman Institute of Bioethics
Health Information Technologies as Mechanisms of the Fundamental Cause of Racism
Paige Nong, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
“Only the Old and Sick Will Die” – Reproducing ‘Eugenic Visuality’ in COVID-19 Data Visualization
Rua Williams, PhD, Purdue University
“Race Correction,” Unstructured Data, and the Possibility of Equity in Medical AI
Kirsten Ostherr, PhD, MPH, Rice University
Building Ethical and Effective Systems of Maintenance and Repair for AI in Healthcare
Kellie Owens, PhD, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
10:30-11:00 COFFEE
PANEL 6: Rethinking the EHR as an Equity Toolkit
Chair: Jeremy Greene, MD, PhD, JHU School of Medicine
Designing Out Racism: Towards Better Analysis of Race, Ancestry and Ethnicity Terminology in Genomic and Data Science
Sophia Luu, MA, Genomics England
Variation in Race and Ethnicity Across Four Health Data Sets: Implications for Health Equity and Sociotechnical Infrastructure
Sarah A. El-Azab, MS, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Katie S. Allen, PhD Candidate, Fairbanks School of Public Health; Regenstrief Institute
Challenges and Opportunities of Social Needs/ SDOH Data in Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
Elham Hatef, MD, MPH, FACPM, JHU School of Medicine
12:00-1:30 LUNCH
PANEL 7: Navigating Digital Access in Baltimore and Philadelphia
Chair: Kadija Ferryman, PhD, JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Telehealth Equity Experience: Partnering for Equitable Telehealth in Baltimore
Helen K. Hughes, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Building a Tech-enabled Community Integrated Care Model Addressing Maternal Health Equity
Mary E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Cayaba Care, Philadelphia
2:30-3:00 COFFEE
Chair: Kim Gallon, PhD, Brown University
Scaling for Impact: Building Digital Health Partnerships as an Academic Medical Center
John Patena, MPH, MA, Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health
A Just Tech Agenda
Catalina Vallejo, PhD, Just Tech, Social Science Research Council
Community Data is not Community Data
Yahya Shaikh, MD, MPH, The MITRE Corp.
Achieving Health Equity in a World of Data will be a fully hybrid conference. All are welcome, but we ask anyone planning to attend, whether it be in person or online or a combination of both, to please register.
If you are planning to join us online and have registered, please check your email and spam folder for a personalized like from “Johns Hopkins History of Medicine via Crowdcast.” If you cannot find that email, you will always be able to join by clicking and then choosing to join the broadcast in session. This link may ask you to provide an email.
If you are planning to attend in person, you can find location information below and we will also send you the link to the conference in case your plans change. Join us in person in the West Reading Room on the 2nd floor of the Welch Library Building located at 1900 East Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. Click here to see where we are on the Johns Hopkins Medical campus.
For parking, we suggest using the Washington Street Garage located at 701 N Washington St, Baltimore, MD 21205, less than a block from our building entrance. On Fridays, there is an hourly rate. On Saturdays, the garage is free.
We will communicate any changes both on our webpage (here) and on the History of Medicine department twitter account @ihmjhu.
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Check your spam for an email from “Johns Hopkins History of Medicine via Crowdcast” with a personalized link to join. If you cannot find that email, you will always be able to join by clicking and then choosing to join the broadcast in session. This link may ask you to provide an email.
I only see the first session! Where are the rest?
Once logged in, under the title of the event, you should see “SCHEDULE session 1 of 10 Welcome & PANEL 1: Health Justice & Digital Health Equity (Roundtable) (more…).” By clicking “more,” a dropdown menu will appear and you’ll be able to choose a session and view the video replay. See above for the full schedule.
I have a question for the speaker, how do I ask?!?
For those attending online, use the Q&A function on crowdcast and panel moderators will read questions aloud as time allows.
For those attending in person, there will be a microphone set up in the room where folks can line up to ask questions to the panel. The moderator will call you on as time allows.
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Yes! All videos include playback. You’ll be able to join at the same link and rewatch all videos.
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Call for Papers
Achieving Health Equity in a World of Data
October 21-22nd, 2022
A Sawyer Seminar on Precision and Uncertainty in a World of Data sponsored by the Department of History of Medicine, Department of Anthropology, Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Center for Health Equity, Just Tech, & the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health
Digital Health, defined by the FDA as including “categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine” has the potential to empower patients to make better decisions about their own health while facilitating prevention, providing early diagnosis, surveillance, management and prediction of chronic conditions. New health technologies also help clinicians improve health outcomes through greater access to and use of patient data. At the same time, digital health poses a risk of reinforcing racial disparities in healthcare through algorithmic bias, digital redlining, tacit racism in clinical documentation, unrepresentative data, and the lack of diversity in the decision-makers and users of health informatics applications. Added to this, the potential compromise of patients’ privacy, the lack of health data integration, data overload issues, security concerns, and limited or inefficient data visualization are upstream and downstream obstacles to digital health’s potential to transform healthcare. Combined with technical anxiety and slow adoption of digital health innovation, these myriad factors limit the capacity of digital health to facilitate health equity.
Grappling with the problem that race and racism poses for digital health, and the great potential that digital health represents to reduce or exacerbate existing health disparities, requires discussion and inquiry across several domains of technical expertise, clinical experience, and critical humanities and social sciences. This conference aims to serve as a forum to engage with the opportunities and challenges/risks? of digital health and health informatics from historical, ethnographic, ethical, economic, and pragmatic perspectives. It invites submissions from a variety of methodological, theoretical, and multidisciplinary perspectives. Theoretical work that engages critically with the debate about the promises and pitfalls of digital health in the context of race and health equity are particularly welcome. We also welcome proposals for “hands-on” data sessions and workshops, as well as submissions (talks and hands-on sessions) from students, practitioners, IT professionals, and those employed in industry.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Racism in the digital health workforce
- Algorithmic bias and oppression
- Health informatics and health equity
- Knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking of online racial health communities
- Racism in knowledge discovery and decision support and clinical decision making systems
- Race/racism within clinical documentation in EHR/EMRs
- Community engagement and user experience design of EHRs/EMRs
- Personal health records/patient portals and health equity
- Social justice and digital health
- Theories, models and classification frameworks that shed light on structural racism in digital health and health informatics
- Interdisciplinary methods for studying racism in digital health and their impact on individuals, communities (societies) and organizations
- Understanding how individuals, communities and organizations can minimize, prevent or respond to racism in digital health
- Bioethics and digital health
Submissions should include a 300 word abstract and your contact information including full name, organization/institution (if applicable), email address, and phone number.
Please contact Administrative Program Coordinator Marian Robbins at with any questions or concerns.