The School of Medicine mandates all students to fulfill its Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement. The Department of the History of Medicine requires completion of the RCR before advancement to candidacy.
In addition to the online CITI course in research ethics, taking four of our Research Ethics seminars will fulfill the required eight hours of training and face-to-face discussion. Students must complete all seven modules of the CITI course, print out the certificates, and submit to the Department office before taking the Research Ethics seminars.
Our Research Ethics seminars comprise a range of two-hour historical research ethics seminars, two of which are offered per semester. Dates will be circulated by the beginning of a given semester. Students may attend any four seminars: they need not be consecutive. There are no prerequisites beyond the CITI course, though registration is required. Register by sending an email to the History of Medicine administrator, cc’ing both the course co-ordinator, Nathaniel Comfort, and the course instructor. Attendance will be taken at the seminar to ensure students receive credit for participation.
Discussions will be based on pre-circulated readings. A brief (one-page) written response to the readings should be submitted as directed.You will also meet with the Instructor to discuss your reflections.
The seminars are currently tailored to students in the history of medicine but are open to other students in the MD and PhD programs with permission of their departmental graduate coordinator.
Previous seminars
Seminars are held on Tuesdays, from 12:00–2:00, in 303-305 Welch Library
February 4, 2014: ‘Experimenting on Skid Row: Prostate Cancer, Alcohol and Homelessness’, Graham Mooney
April 1, 2014: ‘AIDS and Clinical Trials in Africa: When Experiments Travel’, Randall Packard