Radu Dudas, a Scholarly Concentrator in our department, has won the 2014 Osler Medal. This prize is awarded by the American Association for the History of Medicine for an unpublished essay by a student of medicine in a medical school of the United States or Canada that is either the result of original research or shows an unusual appreciation and understanding of problems in the history of medicine. Radu’s paper, “Modeling the Good Surgeon: Images in Medieval Surgical Manuscripts,” grew out of the historical research he did for our Scholarly Concentration. It explores the multiple roles that illustrations played in early medieval surgical manuscripts of the the 13th and 14th centuries.

Above: Radu (center) celebrates with Institute faculty Mary Fissell and Jeremy Greene.
Left: Radu (center) with his wife, Sarah and the Osler prize committee chair, Dr Stephen Inrig, of UT Southwestern Medical Center.