Picturing Pandemic Baltimore: submission rules

The Bulletin of the History of Medicine, a journal edited and produced in Baltimore and the Program in Arts, Humanities, and Health, both at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, are sponsoring a juried online exhibition of photographs that document our city’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. One photograph will be selected for publication as the cover image of the Bulletin’s special issue on the pandemic and a further two will be published in the journal.

1. There is no submission fee; each photographer may enter up to 3 photographs.

2. Images must have been taken during 2020 within Baltimore City.

3. Photographers juried into the exhibition will be informed by Dec. 1, 2020. We are delighted that J.M. Giordano will be jurying the exhibition.

4. The photograph chosen as the Bulletin cover image will be awarded $650; two additional photographs will be awarded $250 each.


To submit:

1. Send an email to PicturingPandemicBmore@gmail.com with 3 images as attachment AND complete a submission form here: https://forms.gle/U1PtfEX5sAXBSkMv8.

2. Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on Nov. 21, 2020.

3.  Images should be no smaller than 2MB and no larger than 5MB. Images should be JPEG files. All images must be saved in the sRGB color model.

4. Incomplete or late submissions will not be entered into the jury process.


All photographers will retain the copyright to their submissions with the understanding that the competition sponsors will be permitted to print winning entries in the Bulletin (as described above) and display accepted entries in a public online exhibition within one calendar year of the submission deadline.