Jacob Moses, PhD
Jacob Moses, PhD, studies biomedicine and biotechnology in the 20th and 21st centuries, with a particular focus on issues of ethics and governance. His research and teaching interests include the history of medicine; science & technology studies; the history of emotions in science, technology, and medicine; medical decision-making; the history of surgery; gender, sexuality, and the body; and bioethics. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s Institute of the History of Medicine and Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine. His current book project, Medical Regret without Remorse, traces the history of therapeutic reversals in surgical practice from the mid-20th century to the present, offering a new account of how affect plays a role both among patients and medical professionals in shaping the current regime of biomedicine. In this work, he develops a concept of “medical regret” to illuminate bureaucratic and affective responses to medical harm. Jacob Moses received his PhD in History of Science from Harvard University (2020), with a secondary field in Science, Technology, and Society.
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