In this course we will explore how historians write history, and the varieties of methods historians of medicine have employed. We start by looking at three major types of history-writing: intellectual; social; and cultural; and thus re-trace the history of the discipline over the past 40 years or so. Then we move to a series of topics that showcase a range of themes and approaches. The readings include classic essays and recent works, building upon introductory work accomplished in IHOM. The course develops specific skills, such as note-taking and “gutting” a book. Weekly discussions alternate between Voice Thread and Live Talks on Zoom, and assignments include short papers and Voice Thread assignments.
IHOM is a pre-requisite for this course.
See the syllabus here.
For 2020, Live Talks are scheduled for 90 minutes, starting at 7 pm EDT, on these dates: Sept. 3; Sept. 17; Oct 1; Oct. 15.